1. Politics will never save Malaysia. Politics are done by politicians who are sinners just like you and me.
2. There will never be true justice here and now, because justice is meted out by sinners like you and me.
3. We find our true King, our true Politician in Jesus, who truly mendahulukan His rakyat by literally laying his life down for them. He is the one who has truly menepati-ed all His janji, case in point the whole Old Testament, and he is the only one who can make us ubah, for true change can only come by the Spirit and from the heart.
4. God has not abandoned us. Remember Romans 13, that all authorities in power are instituted by God. He allows governments to rule, good or bad, all for the good of his people, so that they may be come more like his Son, King Jesus.
5. God may or may not 'heal this land' next GE or any time on this side of heaven. What he does promise us instead, is a kingdom where Jesus reigns absolute, where there WILL be no injustice.
Therefore, do not be discouraged or sad. Find your comfort in knowing that your Father, who is able to raise the dead to life, is still in control of all that is happening, and that He has set aside for you something far greater than a clean and just Malaysia - a New Heaven and New Earth where Justice dwells.
[Edit 6/08/2013: I suppose it would only be fair to credit this post to Pastor Kenneth Lo from St Mary's Cathedral, since it was his sermon, which can be heard here that inspired this post.]
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