"I think that groping, raping is definitely unacceptable given that our society protect autonomy of body.
However, I don't think it is fine that women is allowed to dress in whichever way they want at any place. The way a person conduct him/herself has influence over others. It is not ok if a person come into a room screaming. Given that sexual desire is stronger than men than in women, it is natural for a man to stare/have imagination seeing a woman of skimpy clothes. I don't think it is a crime or even something bad. On the other hand, why should a woman have the right to block my sight or stop the wandering of my mind? In this context, what should a woman expect wearing this kind of outfit? Either she is too stupid not seeing the consequences or she is fine with/ like guys fantasizing about her bodies.
Someone might want to cite gender equality, but this is a flawed argument. Gender equality only applies where biological difference is irrelevant. Here biological difference IS relevant.
So I believe it is ok to stare, fantasize or call the woman a slut." - Taken from NUS Confessions.
Reactions to that quote:
"This idiot thinks that all women dress only for others...it's like blaming jewelery shops for tempting robbers and thieves because they are openly displaying their products..." - Ting
"A gentleman knows how to control himself.
A plebeian with self-justification is still a plebeian." - Abe
I find arguments like this fascinating, because it hints that the rabbit hole goes far deeper than we usually think it is.
Our modern culture sells a highly sexualised image of what a woman should be like. To be accepted, women have to dress a certain way, act a certain way. This phenomenon is so compelling, that even 13y/o are pressured to perform sexually. Notwithstanding, our current culture also justifies promiscuity in men. How successful a young man is, is measured by how many women he has slept with, with or against their will.
In the context of such a culture, arguments like this make a huge assumption - that both men and women alike are inherently good and selfless.It assumes that men are completely capable of being in control of their desires at all times, and that women do not dress to win in a highly sexualised culture. This beast bites both ways.
Men, we should be in control of our desires. And we must, because women are of immense value too, not an object used to merely fulfill our sexual fantasies.Yet we must not be too quick to blow the trumpet of self-control whilst we are still using pornography, or changing girlfriends like underwear. This will be a tough fight, as fights against cultures go, but it is one that we must win.
Women, the intention is never to be legalistic by dictating what you should wear or what you shouldn't. Stop for a while and think. Why should you buy into a culture that objectifies your sexuality? Even if you win in this culture, you still lose.
[Note: All quotes are in italic, and I do not endorse any of the author's opinions. The quotes are here to provide a context to my thoughts.]
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