Dear Girls,
I write this letter for myself, and for my fellow men.
Please be patient with us guys. Yes, especially with those who 'scare' you by coming on too strong. We men aren't the brightest around beautiful women.We weren't handed a manual on how to court girls when we hit puberty. There is no secret tome of ancient manly wisdom which details the arcane art of wooing. If we were given one, well... it doesn't seem like it's very effective. We guys are still learning how to interact with the ladies. The process is largely via trial and error - some find their feet really quickly, some, well... have a little trouble. So please be gracious. Don't run from those who come on a little too strong as if they were going to rape you on sight. They don't really scare you, at least not in the way the thought of being trapped underwater in a frozen lake would. You're just not sure how to react.
Please use words and let us know what is on your mind. If you aren't interested, let us know gently. Don't just simply avoid us - that hurts. Above all, don't call us names for trying, even if it was trying a little too hard. Also, it won't hurt if you talked to us. Not being interested in us doesn't mean you can't talk to us like normal humans. It is entirely possible for men and women to have good friendships, contrary to popular belief.
[Note (15 Feb 2013): This post is a reactionary post, and as such, will be biased. This does not mean that I do not recognise that the same may occur to girls as well.]
11 years ago
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