Getting to the Root of the Problem

It has been about three months since I've planted my baby carrot crop. They are the reason why there has been pretty much no activity in the garden. Also, my bitter gourd vines are stunted from what I think is the lack of sunlight. Anyway, I hadn't been seeing any development around the carrots crowns, so I decided to pull up a few samples to see what was going on. It turns out my carrots are not developing properly. For now, I think it is probably because the soil is much too hard for the carrots to properly develop. I will give them another month to flesh out before I uproot them all for a watermelon crop.

This here is my Clemson Spineless Okra. It had been plagued by a heavy bout of whitefly, rendering it stunted, but after intensive pest control and the recent rainy season, my okra has had some breathing space to grow and flower. I managed to harvest two today, and there seems to be a few more on the way. Hopefully this proves to be a good harvest.

I guess once this round of crop is done, I'll get ready for next year's dry season. I have watermelons in mind, though I might switch to pumpkins instead. We shall see later on what I decide to go with.

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Mr. EuGenes said...

hehe... the carrots look like wild parsnips.. i tot homegrown carrots would look something like that?

try pumpkin! they grow like nobody's business even without much sunlight... we had to chop off everything coz it was growing out of hand...

Unknown said...

Yeah, they're supposed to look something like that, but fatter.

I think I will try pumpkins. Haha. Did you manage to get much fruit?

Mr. EuGenes said...

about the pumpkins.. takes a while before the flowers start popping up... The ones we had weren't really planted intentionally. It grew from the seed we threw from the kitchen scraps we had. So, had to chopped it all off coz it the plants grew out of control.. So.. till date, we only had 1 pumpkin out of the whole pumpkin-grown-wild patch.. haha

Unknown said...

Well, seeing how quite a bit of heart is going into my patch, I'm hoping I might get a decent harvest. Haha.