A Freud-ful Harvest

I couldn't wait a month. A week was all I could wait, and I tore all the carrots out of the ground. Good thing I did too. I was expecting to see orange carrots peeking out of the soil, and so thought that the carrots weren't forming when I saw none. Little did I know that they were actually already formed, or should I say de-formed. Any longer and the tap roots would have developed.

Here's a close up of them Yate's Baby Carrots, stemmed and washed. Looks bigger here, but they're about as thick as a pencil. The thickest was about the width of my thumb (you can see a picture of the longest and the thickest carrots singled out in the paragraph above). This is definitely a harvest good ole Sigmund Freud would have a field day with. I can already imagine him scribbling furiously on his clipboard....'phallic'...'unconscious'....'fascination'....

Well, I guess it's time to prep the ground for a crop of pumpkins.

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