
These scaly fellas are not native to Rhywle, coming from across the Northern Sea, eventually settling in the Regne region. The Llangardaix (/ljaŋgaɾdaʃ/) are a structured civilisation, which prides in its sprawling settlements made possible with advanced architectural technology. Llangardaix settlements are classed according to population size and quality of life. At the bottom of the rung, you have the poble, which is your typical agricultural village, with at most 200 villagers. The houses are usually made from wood with thatch roofs. Farm produce is abundant here, but not coin. State religion in the form of the Victorious Church of Armadyl is not strongly enforced here due to the pobles being far from the religious administrative centres, and so old beliefs still run rampant from the days of before Regne.

 Next up, you have the ciutat, ranging from slightly larger than a poble to about 1000 inhabitants, but with a significant improvement in feel. Clean stone-paved streets allow for a larger flow of traffic, making ciutats centres of commerce and learning. Smart greystone houses are the norm here, with many pretty gardens, both for food and for pleasure.
 Finally, you have the pais, the capital cities of the Llangardaix world. Boasting large ramparts and towering structures, paisos are a definite sight to behold. The air here is rather dusty due to the large number of inhabitants, running from 8000 to 20000 people, tightly packed together. The main institutions for the Victorious Church of Armadyl, and the headquarters for the Cavaller are usually found here, together with the cap d'estat (the ruling head of the region).

 Physically, the Llangardaix are quite diverse, ranging from 5ft to 9ft in height. Not many of them are strong, and those who are usually end up as els ferrers or cavallers, while the rest devote themselves to either joining the Victorious Church of Armadyl as sacerdots or attaching themselves to the Torre, becoming bruixot, devoting themselves to the study of magic.


The Regne region trades in Banyes (plu., Banya, sing.), which comes in four denominations - the copper miné (1), the tin lempe (5), the silver cainen (10), and the gold atwen (20). 


The Regne region is home to several unique creatures, and is largely assimilated into the lives of the Llangardaix. The ishtar is by far the most iconic, reared by the cavallers as rides. Large and scaly save for their forelegs which are covered in coarse fur, these beasts are noble creatures, possessing both speed and destructive power. In the wild, the ishtar are the region's apex predator, travelling in packs of 5-10, preying on the local wildlife. Ishtar usually stay with one mate for life and give birth to one cub at a time. It's also possesses a unique spinal lesion in the lumbar area which serves as a primitive brain for its tail. The tail can react to simple stimuli such as movement and sound, helping the ishtar hunt while staying hidden.

It is strongly advised not to engage them in combat unless extremely well equipped.

Another beast synonymous with the Regne region is the souris, a white bat about the size of a cow. It has bright yellow ears and nose, and they commonly are found in the southern plains of Elisices and the western plains of Bastulia. The souris are not capable of flying very high, about up to 2 stories up, and always move around in a group known as a cloud, feeding on nectar and fruit from the albercoc trees.

One of the most versatile creatures found in the Regne region is the ocell. The largest ever measured being 262cm, these flightless birds are a intimidating sight, especially when they flock together. The collective noun for a group of ocell is a thunder. Despite their appearance, these birds are rather gentle, and actually are easily spooked into a stampede. Commonly also domesticated for its meat and eggs, but never for transport due to their panicky nature.

It would be common sense not to get caught in the path of a stampeding thunder.

No waterway is complete without its aquatic creatures, and the Central Sea and its tributaries are not without its own.The tritot is a behemoth of a salamander like amphibian which feeds on waterweed and smaller animals. It can be found as far as the Tritollac. It moves very slowly on land due to its body weight, but can go up to 2.4kmph in water, making it a waterman's favourite means of crossing the Central Sea.

Builds and professions for the Llangardaix can be found here.
[note: the artwork for the Llangardaix, wildlife, and currency have been updated as of 13th August 2012]

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