11 years ago
Llangardaix Professions and Builds
Llangardaix are sexually dimorphic, with the males being generally taller and mesomorphic in body type as compared to females. The males have backs covered in knobbly scales which extend to the tip of their tails, much like a crocodile. They also have two blue spikes known as the crown on its head which turns darker as the Llangdardaix grows older.
Female Llangardaix on the other hand, are at least 4 sizes smaller, and lack the muscle mass, back ridges and crown of the male. They are also a lighter green in colour and has a red streak running across each eye.
Llangardaix receive several racial bonuses:
Natural armour - 3pt scales
Tail-ing along - +10% to climb, swim, jump, and dodge
Rough skin - Males gain a 1d4 additional damage bonus when brawling.
Cold blooded - -1DEX for every 2°c dropped below 29°c.
Suggested professions for Llangardaix are:
Cavaller -
Skills: Brawl, climb, dodge, first aid, and any six of the following: command, ride, grapple, artillery, heavy weapon, hide, language (any), listen, jump, medicine, melee weapon, missile weapon, navigate, spot, stealth, or throw.
Ferrer -
Skills: Appraise, art (any), bargain, craft (any two), spot, research, status, repair (mech.), heavy machine.
Bruixot -
Skills: Craft, insight, knowledge (occult), two other knowledge, language (any), listen, perform (ritual), persuade, research.
Magic is attained through making a pact with Saradomin, sacrificing something in return for POW and a pre-arranged list of spells.
Sacerdot -
Skills: Fast talk, insight, knowledge (History), knowledge (Philosophy), knowledge (Religion), Language (own), perform (ritual), persuade, and any two of the following: knowledge (Occult), language (other), listen, literacy, perform (oratory), research, status, or teach.
Magic: Any four of the following: flame, heal, light, protection, sharpen, wall, ward, wound.
Others: Endevi, Agricultor, Pastor (shepherd), Comerciant.
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