Last night, I had dinner in Ampang with my friends. I hadn't seen them for a while, so I thought I should meet up with them.
After some thought, we decided to eat at a nearby German Deli. At first look, nothing spectacular, until I noticed the humongous halal sign desecrating the front of the shop. I was like...whuuut? A halal GERMAN deli? That's like saying a Christ-less church! Ok, well, the latter is actually quite possible, but let me reiterate my point: A HALAL GERMAN DELI!
No pork sausages, so strudel, so pork knuckles, no bacon, no ham, no beer. Nothing uniquely German, well save the sauerkraut. It completely defeats the purpose for its existence.
Not quite the end of the evening though.
Now, about two tables behind me, there was this large family with kids younger than three. No idea what they had fed the kids, but seeing how they were screaming at the top of their lungs in an enclosed space, I'm guessing it must have been Speed. Their parents didn't seem all too bothered to keep their kids quiet, so I thought I'd do them a favour and help them out.
I started screaming back. Heh.
Every time the kids started warming their vocal chords, I used my obviously superior ones. Eventually their parents got my drift and kept them quiet, but alas, my meal had come to an end, so I couldn't stay to gloat over my victory.
11 years ago
boy oh boy... i havent forgotten the faces of the people when you yelled back... XD
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