The World would be such a boooooring place if everybody were the same. Thank God for all those characters we meet and interact with everyday! We have pushy people, sarcastic people, cute people, blur people, downright nasty people, so on and so forth.
Scripture does say that as iron sharpens iron (think of sharpening a knife) , so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. So we go out into the World and mix with different people with varying temperaments, and we grow wiser in our ways of dealing with others. When to shut up, when to hold the door open, when to confront... All these are soft skills picked up in the process of interaction. So it isn't very nice to complain and gossip about the people you don't like since we're not all perfect either.
So those out there grumbling about the nasty driving coach, lazy lecturer, or caustic friend, take time to love them for who they are despite all the hard knocks. You'll turn out smoother in the end, and they'll have gained one true friend too.
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