I joined the HELP CF yesterday. Like all CFs, lots of songs and clapping, little gospel (Can't really say, since I'm new). The fellowship unit is really nice and closely knit though. Well, no one is perfect, so I suppose we do have some stuff to work on here.
After CF, I joined E and gang at the Ministry House for lepak-ing till cellgroup. Was really fun singing praise songs and hymns. Once E's voice started breaking, we opted the safer route of playing camp games. The plastic cup is really cool; seriously can't wait to teach the people at the RBYC.
Clap, clap, 123
Clap and bring it over
Clap, grab, touch and put
change and cross!
In return, I taught them the "Bing Bong Game". Guarantee's unstoppable laughter! \(^o^)/
Went on chanting about some guy with a ping-pong ball for a head for the rest of the evening till dinner.
Cellgroup was edifying so far. It was led by the famous Uncle Sam and that night's talk revolved around the Gospel of Matthew. It was super duper surprising to see Rachel and Zu Ning there. I never knew...
And guess what? The fun spilled over into my weekend! Wondering what to do was conveniently crossed out of my to do list. A and J picked me up after an extra lecture, picked up E, then cruised to Petaling street. Spent the crown of the afternoon walking around Pirate Heaven, purchasing loads of food.
Then, balik rumah.
I wanna do this again! Thanks for the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious afternoon guys!
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