Freiheit? (Freedom?)

Yeay!! I am FREE!! My trials are over! Accounting, was ironically the paper I was most confident in. Maybe be it had something to do with bringing my *ahem* calculator in. But still, my intuition has almost always been wrong, so there.
So much for freedom.... My finals are just 3 weeks away. So it's all back to square one. Study, study, study. Didn't anybody mention that studying ways my least favourite activity?! Libera te me ex inferis!! I'm sure Dante must have forgotten the 10th layer of Hell where studying for exams, one after another, is part of the torutre...

Temperate countries boast 4 seasons. Here in Malaysia, we've got more: Rainy season, dry season, football season, haze season, Megasale season, Raya season, CNY season, Merdeka season, Deepavali season and....exam season. Of all the available seasons, that is the only season that is the bane of any student's life. At least it brings us students together, like a friend puts it: "at least is gives us something common to complain about".

Well, at least I have comfort in the knowledge that Friday's lunch went on fine (^o^)/ Hopefully there'll be more to come. I'll just have to remember my manners the next time... (-.-;)

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