(Finally, It Is The End!) وأخيرا ، فإن نهاية

There you go... It's the last paper for my trials. I'm very confident about this! Very confident that I'll........be failing this one too...

I have no idea what prompted me to do the insane: I took up Accounting for a 1 year course, with zilch prior knowledge of the subject...(T.T) So now I'm doing 2 years of Accounting in one. I'm either a genius or suicidal...
Despite all the terror of tomorrow's paper, I still am looking forward to tomorrow afternoon! After such a loooong while, I'm finally treating myself to a lunch of fish and chips. Oh, I could just envision the butter dripping of the golden fillet....

By the way, the cat in the student lounge has just been awarded celebrity status (^.^) Since we found her and her kittens in the cupboard, we've been visiting her maternity ward, showering them with affection. Lots of people have discovered their hidden fetish of watching kittens breastfeed...(-.-;)

Just the other day, a friend of mine heard about me staying with my landlady. When he found out she was a mistress, his 1st reaction : " Does she like have whips in her room?!"...Lol. Don't want to know and don't intend to find out....And just to be on the safe side, I'll lock my room door at night...

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