I overslept this morning. Completely missed all my alarms. My consciousness was stirred by my housemate unlocking the front door; it always makes such a cacophony.
Still in the hazy dwam of being shocked awake, I fumbled around making sure I had everything I needed for work. Fresh socks, check. Fresh uniform, check. Lunch, check. Whoaaa!!! Almost forgot to comb my mess of hair. Right, now off to work. Drat, where are my keys?
In the car I was thinking about how nicely cool my air conditioning was after I had spent that heart wrenching sum for repairs. Then as I drew up to the toll booth, I reached into my pocket for my wallet, and instead pulled out a roll of socks. A second check revealed no wallet.
The toll booth was inevitable. There was no way to turn back, and I had no spare change left in the car. The anticipation of driving up to the booth was like standing in line at the supermarket with a giant trolley of groceries, and your mother leaves you behind in the line to get something she forgot, and the the person in front of you is almost done.
As my turn came, I wound down my window (newly repaired too) and gave the most charming smile I could muster, then explained my predicament. Turns out, they actually do have SOP for situations like this!
The kind lady walked out of the booth, and wrote me this slip, to be paid the next time I pass through.
I guess you learn something new everyday...
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