Two incidents have recently caught my eye. The first is the acquittal of a Malaysian national bowler from statutory rape charges on the account of him having a bright future. The second incident, which happened not too long after, is the similar acquittal of a 22 year old school dropout from statutory rape charges, also on the account of his future. Notably, there are differences in the two cases which have to be noted: in the latter case, the sexual act was consensual between both parties, while in the former, the man pleaded guilty.
However, what I found to be most interesting was not the cases themselves, but rather, the reaction towards these cases where offenders walk free from incarceration; and of all the reactions, the ones which strike me most are responses from Christians.
Many Christians were outraged at the fact that these offenders were allowed to walk off with less than a jail sentence, I myself included. What perversion of justice! How unfair to the victim! What was the judge thinking?! And then I realised something - I, of all people, as a Christian, should refrain from such outrage at the walking of such people. For was I not as they were, guilty? My charge was greater than what they were charged with. I was charged with rebellion against the King of Kings, for insubordination, for mutiny - of which I am deserving of death. I had no 'future' to appeal to, and even if I did, it was far from 'bright', but yet the Judge showed me grace in His mercy, and declared me righteous on the basis of his Son's substitutionary atoning death.
My thought is but this: If as Christians, we were shown such clemency, should we not expect such extra-judicial grace in our shadow of a judiciary system? Should we cry in outrage when one we deem to be guilty is pronounced by the judge to be otherwise? Then should we not cry in outrage at our own salvation? Should we not cry because we were not charged with what we deserved?
However, it is important to note that this picture is but an imperfect allegory of salvation. This is but a pale shadow of what true forgiveness is. True justice still demands for a price to be paid - somebody has to be punished for the crime. The Godhead did what no Earthly judge could do for any prosecuted - tear himself, a being who has been in perfect relationship with each other since eternity, apart to pay himself what the prosecuted could not pay. True justice is not lost in mercy, but instead is met together at the cross where Jesus dangled dying.
11 years ago
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