A Family That Blogs Together...well, Blogs.

My brother has just added himself to the community of bloggers not too long ago. In a similar vein, my sister has finally resurrected her blog from the deepest depths of Blog-Sheol (her blog gets resurrected more than Kenny from South Park does). To commemorate this induction of all three siblings in my family into the bloggosphere, I write this post.

Here are all the blogs from those in my family. I would encourage you to visit and leave some encouraging comments as they share their thoughts and lives with us.

My dad - A History of Reformed Baptist Thinking in Malaysia.
Me... well you're reading an article on my blog... you shouldn't need directions.
My brother - A Walk of a Man to Be.
My sister - The Story Begins Here.

Links to their blogs can be found in my Recommended Sites column on the left of my home page.

Now if I can convince my mother to blog.... on second thought, I'd rather baby pictures of me stay off the internet. haha.

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Mr. EuGenes said...

HAHAHA!!!! Was expecting this sort of entry!!!! hahaha!