My brother has just added himself to the community of bloggers not too long ago. In a similar vein, my sister has finally resurrected her blog from the deepest depths of Blog-Sheol (her blog gets resurrected more than Kenny from South Park does). To commemorate this induction of all three siblings in my family into the bloggosphere, I write this post.
Here are all the blogs from those in my family. I would encourage you to visit and leave some encouraging comments as they share their thoughts and lives with us.
My dad - A History of Reformed Baptist Thinking in Malaysia.
Me... well you're reading an article on my blog... you shouldn't need directions.
My brother - A Walk of a Man to Be.
My sister - The Story Begins Here.
Links to their blogs can be found in my Recommended Sites column on the left of my home page.
Now if I can convince my mother to blog.... on second thought, I'd rather baby pictures of me stay off the internet. haha.
11 years ago
HAHAHA!!!! Was expecting this sort of entry!!!! hahaha!
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