When My Will isn't Done

I had it all planed out: 3 subjects last term, 4 this term, leaving me free to start work by the end of this term. But no, my anthropology lecturer had to fail me. Now I am one paper short of graduation. How am I supposed to start work with one more class left to take? How am I going to face the barrage of 'you should have's from my parents?

It was supposed to be a first year paper. Nothing too hard. I did not expect a heavily biased, uncouth, temperamental lecturer. But maybe I'm just biased because he failed me, or I think I'm un-fail-able. But looking at my track record, I don't think my work is that bad. I don't see how I can score below 49% on my paper at all. Problem is, I can't prove anything since it was all subjective papers.

Regardless, what has been done, has been done. I believe God is still in control despite my failures, and will work in spite of it for my sanctification, whether I like the process or not.

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