Pest Control

Every since I had been finding cucumber beetles and caterpillars around my garden, I've thought of ways to curb the pest population before it got out of hand. Most remedies I found online involved planting flowers to attract predatory insects like wasps and yellow jackets. Wasps aren't much of a problem, though they are quite, since the garden is behind a music school with kids. The problem are the flowers. Bleargh. Flowers.

So to approach the problem in a more err... boyish manner, I bought four frogs from the local pet store and released them into the garden. I hope I won't end up regretting this though, 'cos the last I tried to look for the frogs, they had gone missing. Within thirty minutes. Either they've hidden themselves really well, or they took hike into the great big world, or they simply got eaten. We'll see.

I've also noticed paper wasps building a nest on the barbed wire running along the walls which surround the house compound. It isn't too far from the garden, so I guess it'll be a good thing since they feed on caterpillars.

Fascinating indeed, the things you can notice when working in a garden.

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