Scratching that Mini Itch

Progress so far on my yet nameless monk. Bleached Bone for the sash, Scorched Brown for the pants and Skull White for the socks. Will be but a little while before I finish painting this fellow. A quick splash of Dwarven Flesh and we're done.

 Finished base coating Paul the Paladin. This Paladin is not quite like the rest of the figures I've done - he's a 30mm mini instead of the usual 25mm, and is actually Paladin of the Order of the Wall, Protectorate Solo, part of a series from Warmachine known as the Iron Kingdoms.
I'm thinking of a Mithril Silver kind of colour scheme, with Shining Gold for the details, and perhaps a white cloak. This is the first figure I'm painting which requires assembly. I hope I don't screw it up or Doulos will come after me. haha.

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