By Faith Alone Shall You be Saved

I've been looking at the issue of faith in the whole layout of salvation, and I'v seemed to hit a pothole of reasoning.

The Bible= Word of God, because the Bible says it's the Word of God. We get on to that circular reasoning through Jesus, because Jesus reveals the Father to us, and therefore is the 'Word of God'. He quotes scripture, which he calls the word of God, and the New Testament today is about him, so it's the Word of God.

Here's the problem: how do we know who Jesus is? The Bible tells us, and his claims and proofs of divinity are from the Bible. So when we say we put our trust in Jesus, when we put our faith in him like the Bible tells us to, how can we really know that we're putting our faith in the right place? How does this now differ from other religions where people equally trust their own deities to protect and provide for them? How can we be sure that our faith is not a blind one?

Do I have to look outside the Bible for answers? How now, brown cow?

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