The Prodigal Son Returns

It felt like a very clichéd introduction to an Enid Blyton adventure story. It was the holidays again, and I sure was a pleased as punch (how one can be feeling optimistic like a bowl of cordial, I have no idea, but that's just English for you). I hadn't seen my family, especially my siblings for more than four months, and now that my brother was scheduled to be shipped of to the Army, I was pretty intent on spending time with him.

The first four days I spent back home was at a CF committee planning retreat, nothing much to write about there. Just nine people cramped around a table trying to make plans for the rest of the year.

The fun comes after that =) Yesterday was our Mother's Day celebration since we wanted to beat the Mother's Day crowd, the one which comes when the rest of Melaka suddenly thinks that eating out at a very expensive restaurant is the only way of displaying filial piety. One last big family event where everyone is around before good old Shimri is shipped off to Sungai Besi.

The Men

The Women

Shimri and I had been planning for a little fishing trip ever since I got back and got myself a nice little rod & reel. Due to last night's occasion, we had to delay it till today. At the same time, Mom thought that it would be a good idea to make it a family holiday, and with Mom being Mom, it was as good as her passing a royal decree.

We manged to actually get to the pier on time despite turning back to get Dad a pair of slippers (fancy him going to the beach in his loafers...that old man. lol) and Mom a pair of slippers which still had its soles attached. The boat ride to Pulau Besar is not cheap, I tell you, not cheap! It was RM14 per person for a two way ticket, about the price of my KL-Melaka bus fare.
Upon reaching the island, we started our little hike to Shimri's fishing spot. Cutting through a graveyard, and some jungle, we got to this brilliantly blue cove you could ever imagine. The photographs my sister took definitely does not do justice to the beauty of the place, seriously. It was just amazing.
Shimri and I plopped ourselves nicely on a big rock and started casting, while Mom and Shirinnah splashed around in the shallows. Dad tried reliving his childhood and went of gallivanting into the woods (He did discover an abandoned hotel, so I suppose he enjoyed himself).

The rest of the morning was divided between these activities:
1) Swimming out to free our lines (Shimri did most of that. I'm the sort who would rather pay him to do it. Hehe. But I did go in once, kay.)
2) Changing spots (We got fed-up of having to free our lines from the rocks every time we cast.)
3) Waiting...
4) More waiting...
5) And even more waiting
6) Throwing back tiny fish
Shimri and I would have stayed longer to fish, but Shirinnah said that she had unfinished homework (which was in that insanely ginormous bag she made us lug around), so we had to pack up at noon.
Trudging back to the pier is no fun task, especially when you've finished all your water and have been sitting in the sun all morning, while carrying an icebox with fish in it. It's worse when you have a pair of parents (especially Mom, who is mortally afraid of climbing rocks - up, down, across, you name it) who don't walk as fast as when they did when you were five. You have to wait for them. I suppose that's good training for patience and unconditional love. So what if they make the journey longer? It means you get to spend more time with them =)

The line got caught. Eventually we had to leave that spot 'cos Shimri dived in on time too many and scared all the fish away.

Shimri and his catch: Parrotfish and a fish with yellow stripes.

Mine: Don't know what it is, but it looks nice deep fried =)

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