Nick's fall...(>.<)

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

We walked into IS class right after break when we discovered that there was to be a assessment. We were all taken by suprise as we weren't informed of the test. Still, being the carefree students we are we sat down anyway. That was when the Know-it-all of our class exclaimed:

This is the 1st time I don't know any of answers...

Okay... Since the Genius couldn't answer as none of us had studied for this test, we made an argumentum ad ignorantiam (^.^)

We couldn't stop laughing our heads off... Usually Nick would be complaining how he ALMOST got 100 in his last test, and how he ALMOST beat the top of the class by 1 mark... And today for the 1st time in history, he says he doesn't know any answers, with absolute panic in his voice...

Well Nick, Sic vita est! (^.^)/

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